Zonesolution is a trusted integrated perimeter security solutions provider, offering a range of intrusion detection technologies that mitigate risk to critical infrastructure and high value assets and most security-sensitive sites across wide ranging unique regulatory and design considerations within the sectors.

Our security experts demonstrate how high-performance perimeter intrusion detection and runway incursion mitigation solutions deliver unique airport security and safety benefits.

Our Mission is to provide industry-leading system design resources, unparalleled technology options with flexible networking capabilities and best-in-class customer support tools to ensure reliable, long-term solutions for the perimeter protection challenges of our clients.

We believe that our product excellence reflects our customers commitment our pledge to provide a world-class customer care is packed by extensive technical services capabilities, including system design and commissioning services, comprehensive training programs and responsive technical support. By delivering proven technologies and broad-reaching valueadded services, zone solution offers a solid foundation for long-term integrated perimeter security solutions.

Fence detection system (FDS) is to ensure that organisations are fully secure and to help reduce operational risk. With ever increasing threat levels it is important that organisations properly secure their assets. This starts at the perimeter of their sites where there has never been a more important time to deploy robust, reliable and secure detection strategies to mitigate operational risk......Read more

Microwave detection system is a Doppler radar microwave motion sensor. Based on the Doppler effect, Doppler radar works by bouncing a microwave signal off a desired target and analyzing how the object's motion has altered the frequency of the returned signal. It has a sensitivity range of seven meters. The microwave sensor has several advantage over other detection methods. It can detect......Read more

Zonesolution provides efficient and reliable solutions for alarm monitoring of electrical installations where it is vital for the process control. This product range includes advanced alarm monitors as well as simple indicator panels. All are very flexible units for use in numerous process applications, for instance suited for monitoring of critical processes in marine and off-shore, as well as in on-site power and process industries......Read more

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